We’re pleased to announce that Boris Martin has been voted in as the next president of Engineers Without Borders International, and chair of the board of directors. Boris is CEO of EWB Canada, a position he has held for the last seven and a half years and has been on the board of Engineers Without Borders International for the last year.
“Technology is shaping the world in profound ways at a time when sustainable change is dearly needed. I believe our worldwide Engineers Without Borders movement offers an opportunity to inspire new hope and to harness technology for good in a way none of us could achieve alone. Engineers Without Borders International must become an equitable, inclusive and transparent place where we learn together and find support and opportunities to take action together.
I have been involved with EWB for 18 years. I have worked in Burkina Faso, Canada, France, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Uganda and Zambia supporting entrepreneurs who are determined to improve their own communities. Never have I felt more hopeful than now, for our collective potential to be realised.”
Boris’ two year presidential term will build on the legacy passed onto him by Cathy Leslie. Cathy served as president of EWB International for the last three years and has driven the organisation for many more years prior. We are indebted to her vision, passion and determination for our successes to date and wish her well for her retirement.