We are pleased to announce our newly elected directors from around the world.
Firstly: A big thank you and huge congratulations to all seven candidates who stepped up to create such a high calibre pool from around the world: Håkan Kårdén of Sweden, Jonas Bergmann-Paulsen of Norway, Kapil Dev Regmi of Nepal, Muaamar Mahyoub of Yemen, Nick Estrada of Guatemala, Pedro Alves Filho of Brazil and Raymond Lopinski of Hong Kong. We’re grateful that all candidates have expressed their willingness to continue engaging at the international level as we continue to shape and grow the collaborative capacity of the global EWB network.
We also wish to extend huge thanks to everyone who took part and voted. Your voices matter and we had phenomenal worldwide engagement during this election. We believe this highlights the passion for continuing to shape the global space together and we’re excited to be facilitating the journey with you.
To the results!
Of the seven candidates presented for election, the three receiving the highest number of votes, and now elected to the board of EWB International are (presented alphabetically by name):
- Muaamar Mahyoub from EWB Yemen
- Nick Estrada from EWB Guatemala
- Raymond Lopinski from EWB Hong Kong
As elected directors they now have the privilege and responsibility of serving on behalf of all national Engineers Without Borders organisations on the board of EWB International.
Congratulations to Muaamar, Nick and Raymond! We’re excited to welcome you to the board and look forward to working with you.
Muaamar Mahyoub, Yemen
Nick Estrada, Guatemala
Raymond Lopinski, Hong Kong